wham_get_JJp_JJm_list Subroutine

private subroutine wham_get_JJp_JJm_list(delHH, UU, eig, JJp_list, JJm_list, occ)


  • proc~~wham_get_jjp_jjm_list~~UsesGraph proc~wham_get_jjp_jjm_list wham_get_JJp_JJm_list module~w90_utility w90_utility proc~wham_get_jjp_jjm_list->module~w90_utility module~w90_parameters w90_parameters proc~wham_get_jjp_jjm_list->module~w90_parameters module~w90_constants w90_constants proc~wham_get_jjp_jjm_list->module~w90_constants module~w90_utility->module~w90_constants module~w90_parameters->module~w90_constants module~w90_io w90_io module~w90_parameters->module~w90_io module~w90_io->module~w90_constants


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
complex(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension(:, :):: delHH
complex(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:, :):: UU
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:):: eig
complex(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(:, :, :):: JJp_list
complex(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(:, :, :):: JJm_list
real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional dimension(:):: occ


proc~~wham_get_jjp_jjm_list~~CallsGraph proc~wham_get_jjp_jjm_list wham_get_JJp_JJm_list proc~utility_rotate_new utility_rotate_new proc~wham_get_jjp_jjm_list->proc~utility_rotate_new proc~utility_zgemm_new utility_zgemm_new proc~utility_rotate_new->proc~utility_zgemm_new


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine wham_get_JJp_JJm_list(delHH, UU, eig, JJp_list, JJm_list, occ)
    !                                               !
    ! Compute JJ^+_a and JJ^-_a (a=Cartesian index) !
    ! for a list of Fermi energies                  !
    !                                               !
    ! This routine is a replacement for             !
    ! wham_get_JJp_list and wham_getJJm_list.       !
    ! It computes both lists at once in a more      !
    ! efficient manner.                             !
    !                                               !
    !  Tsirkin:   added the optional occ parameter  !
    !                                               !

    use w90_constants, only: dp, cmplx_0, cmplx_i
    use w90_parameters, only: num_wann, nfermi, fermi_energy_list
    use w90_utility, only: utility_rotate_new

    complex(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), intent(inout) :: delHH
    complex(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in)    :: UU
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:), intent(in)    :: eig
    complex(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(out) :: JJp_list
    complex(kind=dp), dimension(:, :, :), intent(out) :: JJm_list
    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional, dimension(:) :: occ

    integer                       :: n, m, ife, nfermi_loc
    real(kind=dp)                 :: fe

    if (present(occ)) then
      nfermi_loc = 1
      nfermi_loc = nfermi

    call utility_rotate_new(delHH, UU, num_wann)
    do ife = 1, nfermi_loc
      fe = fermi_energy_list(ife)
      do m = 1, num_wann
        do n = 1, num_wann
          if (present(occ)) then
            if (occ(m) < 0.5_dp .and. occ(n) > 0.5_dp) then
              JJm_list(n, m, ife) = cmplx_i*delHH(n, m)/(eig(m) - eig(n))
              JJp_list(m, n, ife) = cmplx_i*delHH(m, n)/(eig(n) - eig(m))
              JJm_list(n, m, ife) = cmplx_0
              JJp_list(m, n, ife) = cmplx_0
            end if
            if (eig(n) > fe .and. eig(m) < fe) then
              JJp_list(n, m, ife) = cmplx_i*delHH(n, m)/(eig(m) - eig(n))
              JJm_list(m, n, ife) = cmplx_i*delHH(m, n)/(eig(n) - eig(m))
              JJp_list(n, m, ife) = cmplx_0
              JJm_list(m, n, ife) = cmplx_0
      call utility_rotate_new(JJp_list(:, :, ife), UU, num_wann, reverse=.true.)
      call utility_rotate_new(JJm_list(:, :, ife), UU, num_wann, reverse=.true.)
    end do

  end subroutine wham_get_JJp_JJm_list