tran_lcr_2c2_sort Subroutine

private subroutine tran_lcr_2c2_sort(signatures, num_G, pl_warning)


  • proc~~tran_lcr_2c2_sort~~UsesGraph proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort tran_lcr_2c2_sort module~w90_constants w90_constants proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort->module~w90_constants module~w90_io w90_io proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort->module~w90_io module~w90_parameters w90_parameters proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort->module~w90_parameters module~w90_hamiltonian w90_hamiltonian proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort->module~w90_hamiltonian module~w90_io->module~w90_constants module~w90_parameters->module~w90_constants module~w90_parameters->module~w90_io module~w90_hamiltonian->module~w90_constants module~w90_comms w90_comms module~w90_hamiltonian->module~w90_comms module~w90_comms->module~w90_constants module~w90_comms->module~w90_io


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:, :):: signatures
integer, intent(in) :: num_G
logical, intent(out) :: pl_warning


proc~~tran_lcr_2c2_sort~~CallsGraph proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort tran_lcr_2c2_sort proc~tran_cut_hr_one_dim tran_cut_hr_one_dim proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort->proc~tran_cut_hr_one_dim proc~tran_reduce_hr tran_reduce_hr proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort->proc~tran_reduce_hr proc~check_and_sort_similar_centres check_and_sort_similar_centres proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort->proc~check_and_sort_similar_centres proc~io_error io_error proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort->proc~io_error proc~master_sort_and_group master_sort_and_group proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort->proc~master_sort_and_group proc~sort sort proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort->proc~sort proc~group group proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort->proc~group proc~tran_reduce_hr->proc~io_error proc~check_and_sort_similar_centres->proc~io_error proc~master_sort_and_group->proc~sort proc~master_sort_and_group->proc~group

Called by

proc~~tran_lcr_2c2_sort~~CalledByGraph proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort tran_lcr_2c2_sort proc~tran_main tran_main proc~tran_main->proc~tran_lcr_2c2_sort program~wannier wannier program~wannier->proc~tran_main proc~wannier_run wannier_run proc~wannier_run->proc~tran_main


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine tran_lcr_2c2_sort(signatures, num_G, pl_warning)
    ! This is the main subroutine controling the sorting    !
    ! for the 2c2 geometry. We first sort in the conduction !
    ! direction, group, sort in 2nd direction, group and    !
    ! sort in 3rd direction. Rigourous checks are performed !
    ! to ensure group and subgroup structure is consistent  !
    ! between principal layers (PLs), and unit cells. Once  !
    ! checks are passed we consider the possibility of      !
    ! multiple wannier functions are of similar centre, and !
    ! sort those                                            !

    use w90_constants, only: dp
    use w90_io, only: io_error, stdout, io_stopwatch
    use w90_parameters, only: one_dim_dir, tran_num_ll, num_wann, tran_num_cell_ll, &
      real_lattice, tran_group_threshold, iprint, timing_level, lenconfac, &
      wannier_spreads, write_xyz, dist_cutoff
    use w90_hamiltonian, only: wannier_centres_translated

    implicit none

    integer, intent(in)                                :: num_G
    real(dp), intent(in), dimension(:, :)                :: signatures
    logical, intent(out)                               :: pl_warning

    real(dp), dimension(2, num_wann)                    :: centres_non_sorted, centres_initial_sorted
    real(dp), dimension(2, tran_num_ll)                 :: PL1, PL2, PL3, PL4, PL
    real(dp), dimension(2, num_wann - (4*tran_num_ll))    :: central_region
    real(dp)                                          :: reference_position, &
                                                         cell_length, distance, PL_max_val, PL_min_val

!~    integer                                           :: l,max_i,iterator !aam: unused variables
    integer                                           :: i, j, k, PL_selector, &
                                                         sort_iterator, sort_iterator2, ierr, temp_coord_2, temp_coord_3, n, &
                                                         num_wann_cell_ll, num_wf_group1, num_wf_last_group
    integer, allocatable, dimension(:)                  :: PL_groups, &
                                                           PL1_groups, PL2_groups, PL3_groups, PL4_groups, central_region_groups
    integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)                :: PL_subgroup_info, &
                                                            PL1_subgroup_info, PL2_subgroup_info, PL3_subgroup_info, &
                                                            PL4_subgroup_info, central_subgroup_info, temp_subgroup

    character(30)                                     :: fmt_1

    allocate (tran_sorted_idx(num_wann), stat=ierr)
    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating tran_sorted_idx in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')

    num_wann_cell_ll = tran_num_ll/tran_num_cell_ll

    if (timing_level > 1) call io_stopwatch('tran: lcr_2c2_sort', 1)

    sort_iterator = 0
    !Check translated centres have been found
    if (size(wannier_centres_translated) .eq. 0) then
      call io_error('Translated centres not known : required perform lcr transport, try restart=plot')

    !read one_dim_dir and creates an array (coord) that correspond to the
    !conduction direction (coord(1)) and the two perpendicular directions
    !(coord(2),coord(3)), such that a right-handed set is formed
    if (one_dim_dir .eq. 1) then
      coord(1) = 1
      coord(2) = 2
      coord(3) = 3
    elseif (one_dim_dir .eq. 2) then
      coord(1) = 2
      coord(2) = 3
      coord(3) = 1
    elseif (one_dim_dir .eq. 3) then
      coord(1) = 3
      coord(2) = 1
      coord(3) = 2
    if (((real_lattice(coord(1), coord(2)) .ne. 0) .or. (real_lattice(coord(1), coord(3)) .ne. 0)) .or. &
        ((real_lattice(coord(2), coord(1)) .ne. 0) .or. (real_lattice(coord(3), coord(1)) .ne. 0))) then
      call io_error( &
      'Lattice vector in conduction direction must point along x,y or z &
      & direction and be orthogonal to the remaining lattice vectors.')
    if (num_wann .le. 4*tran_num_ll) then
      call io_error('Principle layers are too big.')

100 continue
    !Extract a 2d array of the wannier_indices and their coord(1) from wannier_centers_translated
    do i = 1, num_wann
      centres_non_sorted(1, i) = i
      centres_non_sorted(2, i) = wannier_centres_translated(coord(1), i)
    write (stdout, '(/a)') ' Sorting WFs into principal layers'
    !Initial sorting according to coord(1).
    call sort(centres_non_sorted, centres_initial_sorted)
    !Extract principal layers. WARNING: This extraction implies the structure of the supercell is
    !2 principal layers of lead on the left and on the right of a central conductor.
    PL1 = centres_initial_sorted(:, 1:tran_num_ll)
    PL2 = centres_initial_sorted(:, tran_num_ll + 1:2*tran_num_ll)
    PL3 = centres_initial_sorted(:, num_wann - (2*tran_num_ll - 1):num_wann - (tran_num_ll))
    PL4 = centres_initial_sorted(:, num_wann - (tran_num_ll - 1):)
    if (sort_iterator .eq. 1) then
      temp_coord_2 = coord(2)
      temp_coord_3 = coord(3)
      coord(2) = temp_coord_3
      coord(3) = temp_coord_2
    if (iprint .ge. 4) then
      write (stdout, *) ' Group Breakdown of each principal layer'
    !Loop over principal layers
    do i = 1, 4
      !Creating a variable PL_selector which choose the appropriate PL
      PL_selector = i
      select case (PL_selector)
      case (1)
        PL = PL1
      case (2)
        PL = PL2
      case (3)
        PL = PL3
      case (4)
        PL = PL4
      !Grouping wannier functions with similar coord(1)
      call group(PL, PL_groups)

      if (iprint .ge. 4) then
        !Print group breakdown
        write (fmt_1, '(i5)') size(PL_groups)
        fmt_1 = adjustl(fmt_1)
        fmt_1 = '(a3,i1,a1,i5,a2,'//trim(fmt_1)//'i4,a1)'
        write (stdout, fmt_1) ' PL', i, ' ', size(PL_groups), ' (', (PL_groups(j), j=1, size(PL_groups)), ')'
      !Returns the sorted PL and informations on this PL
      allocate (PL_subgroup_info(size(PL_groups), maxval(PL_groups)), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating PL_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      call master_sort_and_group(PL, PL_groups, tran_num_ll, PL_subgroup_info)

      select case (PL_selector)
      case (1)
        allocate (PL1_groups(size(PL_groups)), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating PL1_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        allocate (PL1_subgroup_info(size(PL_groups), maxval(PL_groups)), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating PL1_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        PL1 = PL
        PL1_groups = PL_groups
        PL1_subgroup_info = PL_subgroup_info
        deallocate (PL_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL1_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      case (2)
        allocate (PL2_groups(size(PL_groups)), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating PL2_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        allocate (PL2_subgroup_info(size(PL_groups), maxval(PL_groups)), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating PL2_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        PL2 = PL
        PL2_groups = PL_groups
        PL2_subgroup_info = PL_subgroup_info
        deallocate (PL_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL2_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      case (3)
        allocate (PL3_groups(size(PL_groups)), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating PL3_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        allocate (PL3_subgroup_info(size(PL_groups), maxval(PL_groups)), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating PL3_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        PL3 = PL
        PL3_groups = PL_groups
        PL3_subgroup_info = PL_subgroup_info
        deallocate (PL_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL3_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      case (4)
        allocate (PL4_groups(size(PL_groups)), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating PL4_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        allocate (PL4_subgroup_info(size(PL_groups), maxval(PL_groups)), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating PL4_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        PL4 = PL
        PL4_groups = PL_groups
        PL4_subgroup_info = PL_subgroup_info
        deallocate (PL_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL4_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')

      deallocate (PL_groups, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
    enddo ! Principal layer loop

    !Grouping and sorting of central conductor region
    !Define central region
    central_region = centres_initial_sorted(:, 2*tran_num_ll + 1:num_wann - (2*tran_num_ll))
    !Group central region
    call group(central_region, central_region_groups)
    !Print central region group breakdown
    if (iprint .ge. 4) then
      write (stdout, *) ' Group Breakdown of central region'
      write (fmt_1, '(i5)') size(central_region_groups)
      fmt_1 = adjustl(fmt_1)
      fmt_1 = '(a5,i5,a2,'//trim(fmt_1)//'i4,a1)'
      write (stdout, fmt_1) '     ', size(central_region_groups), ' (', &
        (central_region_groups(j), j=1, size(central_region_groups)), ')'
    !Returns sorted central group region
    allocate (central_subgroup_info(size(central_region_groups), maxval(central_region_groups)), stat=ierr)
    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating central_group_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
    call master_sort_and_group(central_region, central_region_groups, num_wann - (4*tran_num_ll), central_subgroup_info)
    deallocate (central_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating central_group_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
    write (stdout, *) ' '
    !Build the sorted index array
    tran_sorted_idx = nint(centres_initial_sorted(1, :))
    tran_sorted_idx(1:tran_num_ll) = nint(PL1(1, :))
    tran_sorted_idx(tran_num_ll + 1:2*tran_num_ll) = nint(PL2(1, :))
    tran_sorted_idx(2*tran_num_ll + 1:num_wann - (2*tran_num_ll)) = nint(central_region(1, :))
    tran_sorted_idx(num_wann - (2*tran_num_ll - 1):num_wann - (tran_num_ll)) = nint(PL3(1, :))
    tran_sorted_idx(num_wann - (tran_num_ll - 1):) = nint(PL4(1, :))

    sort_iterator = sort_iterator + 1
    if ((size(PL1_groups) .ne. size(PL2_groups)) .or. &
        (size(PL2_groups) .ne. size(PL3_groups)) .or. &
        (size(PL3_groups) .ne. size(PL4_groups))) then
      if (sort_iterator .ge. 2) then
        if (write_xyz) call tran_write_xyz()
        call io_error('Sorting techniques exhausted:&
          & Inconsistent number of groups among principal layers')
      write (stdout, *) 'Inconsistent number of groups among principal layers: restarting sorting...'
      deallocate (PL1_groups, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL1_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL2_groups, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL2_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL3_groups, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL3_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL4_groups, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL4_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL1_subgroup_info)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL1_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL2_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL2_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL3_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL3_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL4_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL4_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      goto 100
    do i = 1, size(PL1_groups)
      if ((PL1_groups(i) .ne. PL2_groups(i)) .or. &
          (PL2_groups(i) .ne. PL3_groups(i)) .or. &
          (PL3_groups(i) .ne. PL4_groups(i))) then
        if (sort_iterator .ge. 2) then
          if (write_xyz) call tran_write_xyz()
          call io_error &
           ('Sorting techniques exhausted: Inconsitent number of wannier function among &
             & similar groups within principal layers')
        write (stdout, *) 'Inconsitent number of wannier function among &
          &similar groups within& principal layers: restarting sorting...'

        deallocate (PL1_groups, stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL1_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        deallocate (PL2_groups, stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL2_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        deallocate (PL3_groups, stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL3_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        deallocate (PL4_groups, stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL4_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        deallocate (PL1_subgroup_info)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL1_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        deallocate (PL2_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL2_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        deallocate (PL3_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL3_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        deallocate (PL4_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL4_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
        goto 100
    !Now we check that the leftmost group and the rightmost group aren't
    !supposed to be the same group
    reference_position = wannier_centres_translated(coord(1), tran_sorted_idx(1))
    cell_length = real_lattice(coord(1), coord(1))
    sort_iterator2 = 1
    do i = 1, tran_num_ll
      distance = abs(abs(reference_position - wannier_centres_translated(coord(1), tran_sorted_idx(num_wann - i + 1))) &
                     - cell_length)
      if (distance .lt. tran_group_threshold) then
        wannier_centres_translated(coord(1), tran_sorted_idx(num_wann - i + 1)) = &
          wannier_centres_translated(coord(1), tran_sorted_idx(num_wann - i + 1)) - cell_length
        sort_iterator2 = sort_iterator2 + 1

    if (sort_iterator2 .gt. 1) then
      write (stdout, *) ' Grouping inconsistency found between first and last unit cells: '
      write (stdout, *) ' suspect Wannier functions have been translated. '
      write (stdout, *) ' '
      write (stdout, *) ' Rebuilding Hamiltonian...'
      write (stdout, *) ' '
      deallocate (hr_one_dim, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating hr_one_dim in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      call tran_reduce_hr()
      call tran_cut_hr_one_dim()
      write (stdout, *) ' '
      write (stdout, *) ' Restarting sorting...'
      write (stdout, *) ' '
      sort_iterator = sort_iterator - 1
      deallocate (PL1_groups, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL1_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL2_groups, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL2_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL3_groups, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL3_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL4_groups, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL4_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL1_subgroup_info)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL1_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL2_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL2_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL3_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL3_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      deallocate (PL4_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL4_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
      goto 100
    ! if we reach this point, we don't have any left/right problems anymore. So we now
    ! check for inconsistencies in subgroups
    allocate (temp_subgroup(size(PL1_subgroup_info, 1), size(PL1_subgroup_info, 2)), stat=ierr)
    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating tmp_subgroup in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
    do i = 2, 4
      select case (i)
      case (2)
        temp_subgroup = PL1_subgroup_info - PL2_subgroup_info
      case (3)
        temp_subgroup = PL1_subgroup_info - PL3_subgroup_info
      case (4)
        temp_subgroup = PL1_subgroup_info - PL4_subgroup_info
      end select
      do j = 1, size(temp_subgroup, 1)
        do k = 1, size(temp_subgroup, 2)
          if (temp_subgroup(j, k) .ne. 0) then
            if (sort_iterator .ge. 2) then
              if (write_xyz) call tran_write_xyz()
              call io_error &
                ('Sorting techniques exhausted: Inconsitent subgroup structures among principal layers')
            write (stdout, *) 'Inconsitent subgroup structure among principal layers: restarting sorting...'
            deallocate (temp_subgroup, stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating tmp_subgroup in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
            deallocate (PL1_groups, stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL1_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
            deallocate (PL2_groups, stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL2_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
            deallocate (PL3_groups, stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL3_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
            deallocate (PL4_groups, stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL4_groups in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
            deallocate (PL1_subgroup_info)
            if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL1_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
            deallocate (PL2_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL2_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
            deallocate (PL3_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL3_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
            deallocate (PL4_subgroup_info, stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error deallocating PL4_subgroup_info in tran_lcr_2c2_sort')
            goto 100
    ! At this point, every check has been cleared, and we need to use
    ! the parity signatures of the WFs for the possibility of equal centres
    call check_and_sort_similar_centres(signatures, num_G)

    write (stdout, *) ' '
    write (stdout, *) '------------------------- Sorted Wannier Centres -----------------------------'
    write (stdout, *) 'Sorted index   Unsorted index           x           y           z     Spread  '
    write (stdout, *) '==================================PL1========================================='
    n = 0
    do k = 1, 4
      if (k .eq. 2) write (stdout, *) '==================================PL2========================================='
      if (k .eq. 3) then
        write (stdout, *) '===========================Central Region==================================='
        do i = 1, num_wann - 4*tran_num_ll
          n = n + 1
          write (stdout, FMT='(2x,i6,10x,i6,6x,4F12.6)') n, tran_sorted_idx(n), &
            wannier_centres_translated(1, tran_sorted_idx(n)), &
            wannier_centres_translated(2, tran_sorted_idx(n)), &
            wannier_centres_translated(3, tran_sorted_idx(n)), &
        write (stdout, *) '==================================PL3========================================='
      if (k .eq. 4) write (stdout, *) '==================================PL4========================================='
      do i = 1, tran_num_cell_ll
        do j = 1, num_wann_cell_ll
          n = n + 1
          write (stdout, FMT='(2x,i6,10x,i6,6x,4F12.6)') n, tran_sorted_idx(n), &
            wannier_centres_translated(1, tran_sorted_idx(n)), &
            wannier_centres_translated(2, tran_sorted_idx(n)), &
            wannier_centres_translated(3, tran_sorted_idx(n)), &
        if (i .ne. tran_num_cell_ll) write (stdout, *) '---------------------&


    write (stdout, *) '=============================================================================='
    write (stdout, *) ' '

    ! MS: Use sorting to assess whether dist_cutoff is suitable for correct PL cut
    !     by using limits of coord(1) values in 1st and last groups of PL1, & 1st group of PL2
    pl_warning = .false.
    num_wf_group1 = size(PL1_subgroup_info(1, :))
    if (size(PL1_groups) .ge. 1) then
      num_wf_last_group = size(PL1_subgroup_info(size(PL1_groups), :))
      !Exception for 1 group in unit cell.
      num_wf_last_group = num_wann_cell_ll
    PL_min_val = maxval(wannier_centres_translated(coord(1), tran_sorted_idx(tran_num_ll - num_wf_last_group + 1:tran_num_ll))) &
                 - minval(wannier_centres_translated(coord(1), tran_sorted_idx(1:num_wf_group1)))
    PL_max_val = minval(wannier_centres_translated(coord(1), tran_sorted_idx(tran_num_ll + 1:tran_num_ll + num_wf_group1))) &
                 - minval(wannier_centres_translated(coord(1), tran_sorted_idx(1:num_wf_group1)))
    if ((dist_cutoff .lt. PL_min_val) .or. (dist_cutoff .gt. PL_max_val)) then
      write (stdout, '(a)') ' WARNING: Expected dist_cutoff to be a PL length, I think this'
      write (stdout, '(2(a,f10.6),a)') ' WARNING: is somewhere between ', PL_min_val, ' and ', PL_max_val, ' Ang'
      pl_warning = .true.
    ! End MS.
    if (timing_level > 1) call io_stopwatch('tran: lcr_2c2_sort', 2)


  end subroutine tran_lcr_2c2_sort