param_dist Subroutine

public subroutine param_dist()


  • proc~~param_dist~~UsesGraph proc~param_dist param_dist module~w90_constants w90_constants proc~param_dist->module~w90_constants module~w90_comms w90_comms proc~param_dist->module~w90_comms module~w90_io w90_io proc~param_dist->module~w90_io module~w90_comms->module~w90_constants module~w90_comms->module~w90_io module~w90_io->module~w90_constants

distribute the parameters across processors !





proc~~param_dist~~CallsGraph proc~param_dist param_dist interface~comms_bcast comms_bcast proc~param_dist->interface~comms_bcast proc~comms_bcast_char comms_bcast_char interface~comms_bcast->proc~comms_bcast_char proc~comms_bcast_cmplx comms_bcast_cmplx interface~comms_bcast->proc~comms_bcast_cmplx proc~comms_bcast_int comms_bcast_int interface~comms_bcast->proc~comms_bcast_int proc~comms_bcast_real comms_bcast_real interface~comms_bcast->proc~comms_bcast_real proc~comms_bcast_logical comms_bcast_logical interface~comms_bcast->proc~comms_bcast_logical

Called by

proc~~param_dist~~CalledByGraph proc~param_dist param_dist program~wannier wannier program~wannier->proc~param_dist


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine param_dist
    !                                                           !
    !! distribute the parameters across processors              !
    !                                                           !

    use w90_constants, only: dp, cmplx_0, cmplx_i, twopi
    use w90_io, only: io_error, io_file_unit, io_date, io_time, &
    use w90_comms, only: comms_bcast, on_root

    integer :: ierr

    call comms_bcast(effective_model, 1)
    call comms_bcast(eig_found, 1)
    call comms_bcast(postproc_setup, 1)
    if (.not. effective_model) then
      call comms_bcast(mp_grid(1), 3)
      call comms_bcast(num_kpts, 1)
      call comms_bcast(num_bands, 1)
    call comms_bcast(num_wann, 1)
    call comms_bcast(timing_level, 1)
    call comms_bcast(iprint, 1)
    call comms_bcast(energy_unit, 1)
    call comms_bcast(length_unit, 1)
    call comms_bcast(wvfn_formatted, 1)
    call comms_bcast(spn_formatted, 1)
    call comms_bcast(uHu_formatted, 1)
    call comms_bcast(berry_uHu_formatted, 1)
    call comms_bcast(spin, 1)
    call comms_bcast(num_dump_cycles, 1)
    call comms_bcast(num_print_cycles, 1)
    call comms_bcast(num_atoms, 1)   ! Ivo: not used in postw90, right?
    call comms_bcast(num_species, 1) ! Ivo: not used in postw90, right?
    call comms_bcast(real_lattice(1, 1), 9)
    call comms_bcast(recip_lattice(1, 1), 9)
    call comms_bcast(real_metric(1, 1), 9)
    call comms_bcast(recip_metric(1, 1), 9)
    call comms_bcast(cell_volume, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dos_energy_step, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dos_adpt_smr, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dos_smr_index, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dos_kmesh_spacing, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dos_kmesh(1), 3)
    call comms_bcast(dos_adpt_smr_max, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dos_smr_fixed_en_width, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dos_adpt_smr_fac, 1)
    call comms_bcast(num_dos_project, 1)
    call comms_bcast(num_exclude_bands, 1)
    if (num_exclude_bands > 0) then
      if (.not. on_root) then
        allocate (exclude_bands(num_exclude_bands), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) &
          call io_error('Error in allocating exclude_bands in param_dist')
      call comms_bcast(exclude_bands(1), num_exclude_bands)
    end if

    call comms_bcast(gamma_only, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dis_win_min, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dis_win_max, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dis_froz_min, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dis_froz_max, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dis_num_iter, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dis_mix_ratio, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dis_conv_tol, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dis_conv_window, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dis_spheres_first_wann, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dis_spheres_num, 1)
    if (dis_spheres_num > 0) then
      if (.not. on_root) then
        allocate (dis_spheres(4, dis_spheres_num), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) &
          call io_error('Error in allocating dis_spheres in param_dist')
      call comms_bcast(dis_spheres(1, 1), 4*dis_spheres_num)
    end if
    call comms_bcast(num_iter, 1)
    call comms_bcast(num_cg_steps, 1)
    call comms_bcast(conv_tol, 1)
    call comms_bcast(conv_window, 1)
    call comms_bcast(guiding_centres, 1)
    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot, 1)
    call comms_bcast(num_wannier_plot, 1)
    if (num_wannier_plot > 0) then
      if (.not. on_root) then
        allocate (wannier_plot_list(num_wannier_plot), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) &
          call io_error('Error in allocating wannier_plot_list in param_dist')
      call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_list(1), num_wannier_plot)
    end if
    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_supercell(1), 3)
    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_format, len(wannier_plot_format))
    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_mode, len(wannier_plot_mode))
    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_spinor_mode, len(wannier_plot_spinor_mode))
    call comms_bcast(write_u_matrices, 1)
    call comms_bcast(bands_plot, 1)
    call comms_bcast(write_bvec, 1)
    call comms_bcast(bands_num_points, 1)
    call comms_bcast(bands_plot_format, len(bands_plot_format))
    call comms_bcast(bands_plot_mode, len(bands_plot_mode))
    call comms_bcast(num_bands_project, 1)

    if (num_bands_project > 0) then
      if (.not. on_root) then
        allocate (bands_plot_project(num_bands_project), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) &
          call io_error('Error in allocating bands_plot_project in param_dist')
      call comms_bcast(bands_plot_project(1), num_bands_project)
    end if
    call comms_bcast(bands_plot_dim, 1)
    call comms_bcast(write_hr, 1)
    call comms_bcast(write_rmn, 1)
    call comms_bcast(write_tb, 1)
    call comms_bcast(hr_cutoff, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dist_cutoff, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dist_cutoff_mode, len(dist_cutoff_mode))
    call comms_bcast(dist_cutoff_hc, 1)
    call comms_bcast(one_dim_axis, len(one_dim_axis))
    call comms_bcast(use_ws_distance, 1)
    call comms_bcast(ws_distance_tol, 1)
    call comms_bcast(ws_search_size(1), 3)
    call comms_bcast(fermi_surface_plot, 1)
    call comms_bcast(fermi_surface_num_points, 1)
    call comms_bcast(fermi_surface_plot_format, len(fermi_surface_plot_format))
    call comms_bcast(fermi_energy, 1) !! used?

    call comms_bcast(berry, 1)
    call comms_bcast(berry_task, len(berry_task))
    call comms_bcast(berry_kmesh_spacing, 1)
    call comms_bcast(berry_kmesh(1), 3)
    call comms_bcast(berry_curv_adpt_kmesh, 1)
    call comms_bcast(berry_curv_adpt_kmesh_thresh, 1)
    call comms_bcast(berry_curv_unit, len(berry_curv_unit))
!  Stepan Tsirkin
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic, 1)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_task, len(gyrotropic_task))
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_kmesh_spacing, 1)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_kmesh(1), 3)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_smr_fixed_en_width, 1)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_smr_index, 1)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_eigval_max, 1)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_nfreq, 1)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_degen_thresh, 1)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_num_bands, 1)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_box(1, 1), 9)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_box_corner(1), 3)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_smr_max_arg, 1)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_smr_fixed_en_width, 1)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_smr_index, 1)

    call comms_bcast(kubo_adpt_smr, 1)
    call comms_bcast(kubo_adpt_smr_fac, 1)
    call comms_bcast(kubo_adpt_smr_max, 1)
    call comms_bcast(kubo_smr_fixed_en_width, 1)
    call comms_bcast(kubo_smr_index, 1)
    call comms_bcast(kubo_eigval_max, 1)
    call comms_bcast(kubo_nfreq, 1)
    call comms_bcast(nfermi, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dos_energy_min, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dos_energy_max, 1)
    call comms_bcast(spin_kmesh_spacing, 1)
    call comms_bcast(spin_kmesh(1), 3)
    call comms_bcast(wanint_kpoint_file, 1)
! Junfeng Qiao
    call comms_bcast(shc_freq_scan, 1)
    call comms_bcast(shc_alpha, 1)
    call comms_bcast(shc_beta, 1)
    call comms_bcast(shc_gamma, 1)
    call comms_bcast(shc_bandshift, 1)
    call comms_bcast(shc_bandshift_firstband, 1)
    call comms_bcast(shc_bandshift_energyshift, 1)

    call comms_bcast(devel_flag, len(devel_flag))
    call comms_bcast(spin_moment, 1)
    call comms_bcast(spin_axis_polar, 1)
    call comms_bcast(spin_axis_azimuth, 1)
    call comms_bcast(spin_decomp, 1)
    call comms_bcast(use_degen_pert, 1)
    call comms_bcast(degen_thr, 1)
    call comms_bcast(num_valence_bands, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dos, 1)
    call comms_bcast(dos_task, len(dos_task))
    call comms_bcast(kpath, 1)
    call comms_bcast(kpath_task, len(kpath_task))
    call comms_bcast(kpath_bands_colour, len(kpath_bands_colour))
    call comms_bcast(kslice, 1)
    call comms_bcast(kslice_task, len(kslice_task))
    call comms_bcast(transl_inv, 1)
    call comms_bcast(num_elec_per_state, 1)
    call comms_bcast(scissors_shift, 1)

! ----------------------------------------------
    call comms_bcast(geninterp, 1)
    call comms_bcast(geninterp_alsofirstder, 1)
    call comms_bcast(geninterp_single_file, 1)
    ! [gp-begin, Apr 12, 2012]
    ! BoltzWann variables
    call comms_bcast(boltzwann, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_calc_also_dos, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_2d_dir_num, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_energy_step, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_energy_min, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_energy_max, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_adpt_smr, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_smr_fixed_en_width, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_adpt_smr_fac, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_adpt_smr_max, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_mu_min, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_mu_max, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_mu_step, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_temp_min, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_temp_max, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_temp_step, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_kmesh_spacing, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_kmesh(1), 3)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_tdf_energy_step, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_relax_time, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_TDF_smr_fixed_en_width, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_TDF_smr_index, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_dos_smr_index, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_bandshift, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_bandshift_firstband, 1)
    call comms_bcast(boltz_bandshift_energyshift, 1)
    ! [gp-end]
    call comms_bcast(use_ws_distance, 1)
    call comms_bcast(disentanglement, 1)

    call comms_bcast(transport, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_easy_fix, 1)
    call comms_bcast(transport_mode, len(transport_mode))
    call comms_bcast(tran_win_min, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_win_max, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_energy_step, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_num_bb, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_num_ll, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_num_rr, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_num_cc, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_num_lc, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_num_cr, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_num_bandc, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_write_ht, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_read_ht, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_use_same_lead, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_num_cell_ll, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_num_cell_rr, 1)
    call comms_bcast(tran_group_threshold, 1)
    call comms_bcast(translation_centre_frac(1), 3)
    call comms_bcast(num_shells, 1)
    call comms_bcast(skip_B1_tests, 1)
    call comms_bcast(explicit_nnkpts, 1)

    call comms_bcast(calc_only_A, 1)
    call comms_bcast(use_bloch_phases, 1)
    call comms_bcast(restart, len(restart))
    call comms_bcast(write_r2mn, 1)
    call comms_bcast(num_guide_cycles, 1)
    call comms_bcast(num_no_guide_iter, 1)
    call comms_bcast(fixed_step, 1)
    call comms_bcast(trial_step, 1)
    call comms_bcast(precond, 1)
    call comms_bcast(write_proj, 1)
    call comms_bcast(timing_level, 1)
    call comms_bcast(spinors, 1)
    call comms_bcast(num_elec_per_state, 1)
    call comms_bcast(translate_home_cell, 1)
    call comms_bcast(write_xyz, 1)
    call comms_bcast(write_hr_diag, 1)
    call comms_bcast(conv_noise_amp, 1)
    call comms_bcast(conv_noise_num, 1)
    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_radius, 1)
    call comms_bcast(wannier_plot_scale, 1)
    call comms_bcast(kmesh_tol, 1)
    call comms_bcast(optimisation, 1)
    call comms_bcast(write_vdw_data, 1)
    call comms_bcast(lenconfac, 1)
    call comms_bcast(lfixstep, 1)
    call comms_bcast(lsitesymmetry, 1)
    call comms_bcast(frozen_states, 1)
    call comms_bcast(symmetrize_eps, 1)

    !vv: Constrained centres
    call comms_bcast(slwf_num, 1)
    call comms_bcast(slwf_constrain, 1)
    call comms_bcast(slwf_lambda, 1)
    call comms_bcast(selective_loc, 1)
    if (selective_loc .and. slwf_constrain) then
      if (.not. on_root) then
        allocate (ccentres_frac(num_wann, 3), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating ccentres_frac in param_get_centre_constraints')
        allocate (ccentres_cart(num_wann, 3), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating ccentres_cart in param_get_centre_constraints')
      call comms_bcast(ccentres_frac(1, 1), 3*num_wann)
      call comms_bcast(ccentres_cart(1, 1), 3*num_wann)
    end if

    ! vv: automatic projections
    call comms_bcast(auto_projections, 1)

    call comms_bcast(num_proj, 1)
    call comms_bcast(lhasproj, 1)
    if (lhasproj) then
      if (.not. on_root) then
        allocate (input_proj_site(3, num_proj), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating input_proj_site in param_dist')
        allocate (proj_site(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating proj_site in param_dist')
      call comms_bcast(input_proj_site(1, 1), 3*num_proj)
      call comms_bcast(proj_site(1, 1), 3*num_wann)

    ! These variables are different from the ones above in that they are
    ! allocatable, and in param_read they were allocated on the root node only
    if (.not. on_root) then
      allocate (fermi_energy_list(nfermi), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error( &
        'Error allocating fermi_energy_read in postw90_param_dist')
      allocate (kubo_freq_list(kubo_nfreq), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error( &
        'Error allocating kubo_freq_list in postw90_param_dist')
      allocate (dos_project(num_dos_project), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) &
        call io_error('Error allocating dos_project in postw90_param_dist')
      if (.not. effective_model) then
        if (eig_found) then
          allocate (eigval(num_bands, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
          if (ierr /= 0) &
            call io_error('Error allocating eigval in postw90_param_dist')
        end if
        allocate (kpt_latt(3, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) &
          call io_error('Error allocating kpt_latt in postw90_param_dist')
      allocate (gyrotropic_band_list(gyrotropic_num_bands), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error( &
        'Error allocating gyrotropic_num_bands in postw90_param_dist')
      allocate (gyrotropic_freq_list(gyrotropic_nfreq), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error( &
        'Error allocating gyrotropic_freq_list in postw90_param_dist')
    end if

    if (nfermi > 0) call comms_bcast(fermi_energy_list(1), nfermi)
    if (kubo_nfreq > 0) call comms_bcast(kubo_freq_list(1), kubo_nfreq)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_freq_list(1), gyrotropic_nfreq)
    call comms_bcast(gyrotropic_band_list(1), gyrotropic_num_bands)
    if (num_dos_project > 0) call comms_bcast(dos_project(1), num_dos_project)
    if (.not. effective_model) then
      if (eig_found) then
        call comms_bcast(eigval(1, 1), num_bands*num_kpts)
      end if
      call comms_bcast(kpt_latt(1, 1), 3*num_kpts)

    if (.not. effective_model .and. .not. explicit_nnkpts) then

      call comms_bcast(nnh, 1)
      call comms_bcast(nntot, 1)
      call comms_bcast(wbtot, 1)

      if (.not. on_root) then
        allocate (nnlist(num_kpts, nntot), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) &
          call io_error('Error in allocating nnlist in param_dist')
        allocate (neigh(num_kpts, nntot/2), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) &
          call io_error('Error in allocating neigh in param_dist')
        allocate (nncell(3, num_kpts, nntot), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) &
          call io_error('Error in allocating nncell in param_dist')
        allocate (wb(nntot), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) &
          call io_error('Error in allocating wb in param_dist')
        allocate (bka(3, nntot/2), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) &
          call io_error('Error in allocating bka in param_dist')
        allocate (bk(3, nntot, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) &
          call io_error('Error in allocating bk in param_dist')
      end if

      call comms_bcast(nnlist(1, 1), num_kpts*nntot)
      call comms_bcast(neigh(1, 1), num_kpts*nntot/2)
      call comms_bcast(nncell(1, 1, 1), 3*num_kpts*nntot)
      call comms_bcast(wb(1), nntot)
      call comms_bcast(bka(1, 1), 3*nntot/2)
      call comms_bcast(bk(1, 1, 1), 3*nntot*num_kpts)


    call comms_bcast(omega_total, 1)
    call comms_bcast(omega_tilde, 1)
    call comms_bcast(omega_invariant, 1)
    call comms_bcast(have_disentangled, 1)

    if (.not. on_root) then
      allocate (wannier_centres(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating wannier_centres in param_dist')
      wannier_centres = 0.0_dp
      allocate (wannier_spreads(num_wann), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating wannier_spreads in param_dist')
      wannier_spreads = 0.0_dp
      if (disentanglement) then
        allocate (ndimwin(num_kpts), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating ndimwin in param_dist')
        allocate (lwindow(num_bands, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating lwindow in param_dist')

  end subroutine param_dist