ws_translate_dist Subroutine

public subroutine ws_translate_dist(nrpts, irvec, force_recompute)


  • proc~~ws_translate_dist~~UsesGraph proc~ws_translate_dist ws_translate_dist module~w90_utility w90_utility proc~ws_translate_dist->module~w90_utility module~w90_parameters w90_parameters proc~ws_translate_dist->module~w90_parameters module~w90_io w90_io proc~ws_translate_dist->module~w90_io module~w90_constants w90_constants module~w90_utility->module~w90_constants module~w90_parameters->module~w90_io module~w90_parameters->module~w90_constants module~w90_io->module~w90_constants

Find the supercell translation (i.e. the translation by a integer number of supercell vectors, the supercell being defined by the mp_grid) that minimizes the distance between two given Wannier functions, i and j, the first in unit cell 0, the other in unit cell R. I.e., we find the translation to put WF j in the Wigner-Seitz of WF i. We also look for the number of equivalent translation, that happen when w_j,R is on the edge of the WS of w_i,0. The results are stored in global arrays wdist_ndeg, irdist_ws, crdist_ws.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in) :: nrpts
integer, intent(in) :: irvec(3,nrpts)
logical, intent(in), optional :: force_recompute


proc~~ws_translate_dist~~CallsGraph proc~ws_translate_dist ws_translate_dist proc~clean_ws_translate clean_ws_translate proc~ws_translate_dist->proc~clean_ws_translate proc~utility_frac_to_cart utility_frac_to_cart proc~ws_translate_dist->proc~utility_frac_to_cart proc~io_error io_error proc~ws_translate_dist->proc~io_error

Called by

proc~~ws_translate_dist~~CalledByGraph proc~ws_translate_dist ws_translate_dist proc~plot_interpolate_bands plot_interpolate_bands proc~plot_interpolate_bands->proc~ws_translate_dist


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine ws_translate_dist(nrpts, irvec, force_recompute)
    !! Find the supercell translation (i.e. the translation by a integer number of
    !! supercell vectors, the supercell being defined by the mp_grid) that
    !! minimizes the distance between two given Wannier functions, i and j,
    !! the first in unit cell 0, the other in unit cell R.
    !! I.e., we find the translation to put WF j in the Wigner-Seitz of WF i.
    !! We also look for the number of equivalent translation, that happen when w_j,R
    !! is on the edge of the WS of w_i,0. The results are stored in global
    !! arrays wdist_ndeg, irdist_ws, crdist_ws.

    use w90_parameters, only: num_wann, wannier_centres, real_lattice, &
      recip_lattice, iprint
    !translation_centre_frac, automatic_translation,lenconfac
    use w90_io, only: stdout, io_error
    use w90_utility, only: utility_cart_to_frac, utility_frac_to_cart

    implicit none

    integer, intent(in) :: nrpts
    integer, intent(in) :: irvec(3, nrpts)
    logical, optional, intent(in):: force_recompute ! set to true to force recomputing everything

    ! <<<local variables>>>
    integer  :: iw, jw, ideg, ir, ierr
    integer :: shifts(3, ndegenx)
    real(DP) :: irvec_cart(3), tmp(3), tmp_frac(3), R_out(3, ndegenx)

    ! The subroutine does nothing if called more than once, which may
    ! not be the best thing if you invoke it while the WFs are moving
    if (present(force_recompute)) then
      if (force_recompute) then
        call clean_ws_translate()
    if (done_ws_distance) return
    done_ws_distance = .true.

    if (ndegenx*num_wann*nrpts <= 0) then
      call io_error("unexpected dimensions in ws_translate_dist")
    end if

    allocate (irdist_ws(3, ndegenx, num_wann, num_wann, nrpts), stat=ierr)
    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating irdist_ws in ws_translate_dist')
    allocate (crdist_ws(3, ndegenx, num_wann, num_wann, nrpts), stat=ierr)
    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating crdist_ws in ws_translate_dist')
    allocate (wdist_ndeg(num_wann, num_wann, nrpts), stat=ierr)
    if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating wcenter_ndeg in ws_translate_dist')

    !translation_centre_frac = 0._dp
    wdist_ndeg = 0
    irdist_ws = 0
    crdist_ws = 0

    do ir = 1, nrpts
      do jw = 1, num_wann
        do iw = 1, num_wann
          call utility_frac_to_cart(REAL(irvec(:, ir), kind=dp), irvec_cart, real_lattice)
          ! function JW translated in the Wigner-Seitz around function IW
          ! and also find its degeneracy, and the integer shifts needed
          ! to identify it
          ! Note: the routine outputs R_out, but we don't really need it
          ! This is kept in case in the future we might want to use it
          ! R_out contains the actual vector between the two WFs. We
          ! calculate instead crdist_ws, that is the Bravais lattice vector
          ! between two supercell lattices, that is the only one we need
          ! later for interpolation etc.
          CALL R_wz_sc(-wannier_centres(:, iw) &
                       + (irvec_cart + wannier_centres(:, jw)), (/0._dp, 0._dp, 0._dp/), &
                       wdist_ndeg(iw, jw, ir), R_out, shifts)
          do ideg = 1, wdist_ndeg(iw, jw, ir)
            irdist_ws(:, ideg, iw, jw, ir) = irvec(:, ir) + shifts(:, ideg)
            tmp_frac = REAL(irdist_ws(:, ideg, iw, jw, ir), kind=dp)
            CALL utility_frac_to_cart(tmp_frac, tmp, real_lattice)
            crdist_ws(:, ideg, iw, jw, ir) = tmp
  end subroutine ws_translate_dist