pw90common_wanint_data_dist Subroutine

public subroutine pw90common_wanint_data_dist()


  • proc~~pw90common_wanint_data_dist~~UsesGraph proc~pw90common_wanint_data_dist pw90common_wanint_data_dist module~w90_constants w90_constants proc~pw90common_wanint_data_dist->module~w90_constants module~w90_parameters w90_parameters proc~pw90common_wanint_data_dist->module~w90_parameters module~w90_io w90_io proc~pw90common_wanint_data_dist->module~w90_io module~w90_parameters->module~w90_constants module~w90_parameters->module~w90_io module~w90_io->module~w90_constants

Distribute the um and chk files




proc~~pw90common_wanint_data_dist~~CallsGraph proc~pw90common_wanint_data_dist pw90common_wanint_data_dist interface~comms_bcast comms_bcast proc~pw90common_wanint_data_dist->interface~comms_bcast proc~comms_bcast_char comms_bcast_char interface~comms_bcast->proc~comms_bcast_char proc~comms_bcast_cmplx comms_bcast_cmplx interface~comms_bcast->proc~comms_bcast_cmplx proc~comms_bcast_int comms_bcast_int interface~comms_bcast->proc~comms_bcast_int proc~comms_bcast_real comms_bcast_real interface~comms_bcast->proc~comms_bcast_real proc~comms_bcast_logical comms_bcast_logical interface~comms_bcast->proc~comms_bcast_logical

Called by

proc~~pw90common_wanint_data_dist~~CalledByGraph proc~pw90common_wanint_data_dist pw90common_wanint_data_dist program~postw90 postw90 program~postw90->proc~pw90common_wanint_data_dist


Source Code

  subroutine pw90common_wanint_data_dist
    !                                                           !
    !! Distribute the um and chk files
    !                                                           !

    use w90_constants, only: dp, cmplx_0, cmplx_i, twopi
    use w90_io, only: io_error, io_file_unit, &
      io_date, io_time, io_stopwatch
    use w90_parameters, only: num_wann, num_kpts, num_bands, have_disentangled, &
      u_matrix_opt, u_matrix, m_matrix, &
      ndimwin, lwindow, nntot, wannier_centres, &
      num_valence_bands, scissors_shift

    implicit none

    integer :: ierr, loop_kpt, m, i, j

    if (.not. on_root) then
      ! wannier_centres is allocated in param_read, so only on root node
      ! It is then read in param_read_chpkt
      ! Therefore, now we need to allocate it on all nodes, and then broadcast it
      allocate (wannier_centres(3, num_wann), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error allocating wannier_centres in pw90common_wanint_data_dist')
    end if
    call comms_bcast(wannier_centres(1, 1), 3*num_wann)

    ! -------------------
    ! Ivo: added 8april11
    ! -------------------
    ! Calculate the matrix that describes the combined effect of
    ! disentanglement and maximal localization. This is the combination
    ! that is most often needed for interpolation purposes
    ! Allocate on all nodes
    allocate (v_matrix(num_bands, num_wann, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
    if (ierr /= 0) &
      call io_error('Error allocating v_matrix in pw90common_wanint_data_dist')
    ! u_matrix and u_matrix_opt are stored on root only
    if (on_root) then
      if (.not. have_disentangled) then
        v_matrix = u_matrix
        v_matrix = cmplx_0
        do loop_kpt = 1, num_kpts
          do j = 1, num_wann
            do m = 1, ndimwin(loop_kpt)
              do i = 1, num_wann
                v_matrix(m, j, loop_kpt) = v_matrix(m, j, loop_kpt) &
                                           + u_matrix_opt(m, i, loop_kpt)*u_matrix(i, j, loop_kpt)
      if (allocated(u_matrix_opt)) deallocate (u_matrix_opt)
      if (.not. (num_valence_bands > 0 .and. abs(scissors_shift) > 1.0e-7_dp)) then
        if (allocated(u_matrix)) deallocate (u_matrix)
    call comms_bcast(v_matrix(1, 1, 1), num_bands*num_wann*num_kpts)

    if (num_valence_bands > 0 .and. abs(scissors_shift) > 1.0e-7_dp) then
    if (.not. on_root .and. .not. allocated(u_matrix)) then
      allocate (u_matrix(num_wann, num_wann, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
      if (ierr /= 0) &
        call io_error('Error allocating u_matrix in pw90common_wanint_data_dist')
    call comms_bcast(u_matrix(1, 1, 1), num_wann*num_wann*num_kpts)

!    if (.not.on_root .and. .not.allocated(m_matrix)) then
!       allocate(m_matrix(num_wann,num_wann,nntot,num_kpts),stat=ierr)
!       if (ierr/=0)&
!            call io_error('Error allocating m_matrix in pw90common_wanint_data_dist')
!    endif
!    call comms_bcast(m_matrix(1,1,1,1),num_wann*num_wann*nntot*num_kpts)

    call comms_bcast(have_disentangled, 1)

    if (have_disentangled) then
      if (.not. on_root) then

        ! Do we really need these 'if not allocated'? Didn't use them for
        ! eigval and kpt_latt above!

!          if (.not.allocated(u_matrix_opt)) then
!             allocate(u_matrix_opt(num_bands,num_wann,num_kpts),stat=ierr)
!             if (ierr/=0)&
!              call io_error('Error allocating u_matrix_opt in pw90common_wanint_data_dist')
!          endif

        if (.not. allocated(lwindow)) then
          allocate (lwindow(num_bands, num_kpts), stat=ierr)
          if (ierr /= 0) &
            call io_error('Error allocating lwindow in pw90common_wanint_data_dist')

        if (.not. allocated(ndimwin)) then
          allocate (ndimwin(num_kpts), stat=ierr)
          if (ierr /= 0) &
            call io_error('Error allocating ndimwin in pw90common_wanint_data_dist')

      end if

!       call comms_bcast(u_matrix_opt(1,1,1),num_bands*num_wann*num_kpts)
      call comms_bcast(lwindow(1, 1), num_bands*num_kpts)
      call comms_bcast(ndimwin(1), num_kpts)
    end if

  end subroutine pw90common_wanint_data_dist