get_SS_R Subroutine

public subroutine get_SS_R()


  • proc~~get_ss_r~~UsesGraph proc~get_ss_r get_SS_R module~w90_postw90_common w90_postw90_common proc~get_ss_r->module~w90_postw90_common module~w90_constants w90_constants proc~get_ss_r->module~w90_constants module~w90_comms w90_comms proc~get_ss_r->module~w90_comms module~w90_parameters w90_parameters proc~get_ss_r->module~w90_parameters module~w90_io w90_io proc~get_ss_r->module~w90_io module~w90_postw90_common->module~w90_constants module~w90_postw90_common->module~w90_comms module~w90_comms->module~w90_constants module~w90_comms->module~w90_io module~w90_parameters->module~w90_constants module~w90_parameters->module~w90_io module~w90_io->module~w90_constants

Wannier representation of the Pauli matrices: <0n|sigma_a|Rm> (a=x,y,z)




proc~~get_ss_r~~CallsGraph proc~get_ss_r get_SS_R proc~io_file_unit io_file_unit proc~get_ss_r->proc~io_file_unit

Called by

proc~~get_ss_r~~CalledByGraph proc~get_ss_r get_SS_R proc~calctdfanddos calcTDFandDOS proc~calctdfanddos->proc~get_ss_r proc~berry_main berry_main proc~berry_main->proc~get_ss_r proc~k_slice k_slice proc~k_slice->proc~get_ss_r proc~gyrotropic_main gyrotropic_main proc~gyrotropic_main->proc~get_ss_r proc~dos_main dos_main proc~dos_main->proc~get_ss_r proc~k_path k_path proc~k_path->proc~get_ss_r proc~spin_get_moment spin_get_moment proc~spin_get_moment->proc~get_ss_r proc~boltzwann_main boltzwann_main proc~boltzwann_main->proc~calctdfanddos


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine get_SS_R
    !! Wannier representation of the Pauli matrices: <0n|sigma_a|Rm>
    !! (a=x,y,z)

    use w90_constants, only: dp, pi, cmplx_0
    use w90_parameters, only: num_wann, ndimwin, num_kpts, num_bands, &
      timing_level, have_disentangled, spn_formatted
    use w90_postw90_common, only: nrpts, v_matrix
    use w90_io, only: io_error, io_stopwatch, stdout, seedname, &
    use w90_comms, only: on_root, comms_bcast

    implicit none

    complex(kind=dp), allocatable :: spn_o(:, :, :, :), SS_q(:, :, :, :), spn_temp(:, :)
    real(kind=dp)                 :: s_real, s_img
    integer, allocatable          :: num_states(:)
    integer                       :: i, j, ii, jj, m, n, spn_in, ik, is, &
                                     winmin, nb_tmp, nkp_tmp, ierr, s, counter
    character(len=60)             :: header

    if (timing_level > 1 .and. on_root) call io_stopwatch('get_oper: get_SS_R', 1)

    if (.not. allocated(SS_R)) then
      allocate (SS_R(num_wann, num_wann, nrpts, 3))
      return ! been here before
    end if

    if (on_root) then

      allocate (spn_o(num_bands, num_bands, num_kpts, 3))
      allocate (SS_q(num_wann, num_wann, num_kpts, 3))

      allocate (num_states(num_kpts))
      do ik = 1, num_kpts
        if (have_disentangled) then
          num_states(ik) = ndimwin(ik)
          num_states(ik) = num_wann

      ! Read from .spn file the original spin matrices <psi_nk|sigma_i|psi_mk>
      ! (sigma_i = Pauli matrix) between ab initio eigenstates
      spn_in = io_file_unit()
      if (spn_formatted) then
        open (unit=spn_in, file=trim(seedname)//'.spn', form='formatted', &
              status='old', err=109)
        write (stdout, '(/a)', advance='no') &
          ' Reading spin matrices from '//trim(seedname)//'.spn in get_SS_R : '
        read (spn_in, *, err=110, end=110) header
        write (stdout, '(a)') trim(header)
        read (spn_in, *, err=110, end=110) nb_tmp, nkp_tmp
        open (unit=spn_in, file=trim(seedname)//'.spn', form='unformatted', &
              status='old', err=109)
        write (stdout, '(/a)', advance='no') &
          ' Reading spin matrices from '//trim(seedname)//'.spn in get_SS_R : '
        read (spn_in, err=110, end=110) header
        write (stdout, '(a)') trim(header)
        read (spn_in, err=110, end=110) nb_tmp, nkp_tmp
      if (nb_tmp .ne. num_bands) &
        call io_error(trim(seedname)//'.spn has wrong number of bands')
      if (nkp_tmp .ne. num_kpts) &
        call io_error(trim(seedname)//'.spn has wrong number of k-points')
      if (spn_formatted) then
        do ik = 1, num_kpts
          do m = 1, num_bands
            do n = 1, m
              read (spn_in, *, err=110, end=110) s_real, s_img
              spn_o(n, m, ik, 1) = cmplx(s_real, s_img, dp)
              read (spn_in, *, err=110, end=110) s_real, s_img
              spn_o(n, m, ik, 2) = cmplx(s_real, s_img, dp)
              read (spn_in, *, err=110, end=110) s_real, s_img
              spn_o(n, m, ik, 3) = cmplx(s_real, s_img, dp)
              ! Read upper-triangular part, now build the rest
              spn_o(m, n, ik, 1) = conjg(spn_o(n, m, ik, 1))
              spn_o(m, n, ik, 2) = conjg(spn_o(n, m, ik, 2))
              spn_o(m, n, ik, 3) = conjg(spn_o(n, m, ik, 3))
            end do
          end do
        allocate (spn_temp(3, (num_bands*(num_bands + 1))/2), stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in allocating spm_temp in get_SS_R')
        do ik = 1, num_kpts
          read (spn_in) ((spn_temp(s, m), s=1, 3), m=1, (num_bands*(num_bands + 1))/2)
          counter = 0
          do m = 1, num_bands
            do n = 1, m
              counter = counter + 1
              spn_o(n, m, ik, 1) = spn_temp(1, counter)
              spn_o(m, n, ik, 1) = conjg(spn_temp(1, counter))
              spn_o(n, m, ik, 2) = spn_temp(2, counter)
              spn_o(m, n, ik, 2) = conjg(spn_temp(2, counter))
              spn_o(n, m, ik, 3) = spn_temp(3, counter)
              spn_o(m, n, ik, 3) = conjg(spn_temp(3, counter))
            end do
          end do
        end do
        deallocate (spn_temp, stat=ierr)
        if (ierr /= 0) call io_error('Error in deallocating spm_temp in get_SS_R')

      close (spn_in)

      ! Transform to projected subspace, Wannier gauge
      SS_q(:, :, :, :) = cmplx_0
      do ik = 1, num_kpts
        do is = 1, 3
          call get_gauge_overlap_matrix( &
            ik, num_states(ik), &
            ik, num_states(ik), &
            spn_o(:, :, ik, is), SS_q(:, :, ik, is))
        enddo !is
      enddo !ik

      call fourier_q_to_R(SS_q(:, :, :, 1), SS_R(:, :, :, 1))
      call fourier_q_to_R(SS_q(:, :, :, 2), SS_R(:, :, :, 2))
      call fourier_q_to_R(SS_q(:, :, :, 3), SS_R(:, :, :, 3))

    endif !on_root

    call comms_bcast(SS_R(1, 1, 1, 1), num_wann*num_wann*nrpts*3)

    if (timing_level > 1 .and. on_root) call io_stopwatch('get_oper: get_SS_R', 2)

109 call io_error &
      ('Error: Problem opening input file '//trim(seedname)//'.spn')
110 call io_error &
      ('Error: Problem reading input file '//trim(seedname)//'.spn')

  end subroutine get_SS_R