dos_get_k Subroutine

public subroutine dos_get_k(kpt, EnergyArray, eig_k, dos_k, smr_index, smr_fixed_en_width, adpt_smr_fac, adpt_smr_max, levelspacing_k, UU)


  • proc~~dos_get_k~~UsesGraph proc~dos_get_k dos_get_k module~w90_io w90_io proc~dos_get_k->module~w90_io module~w90_spin w90_spin proc~dos_get_k->module~w90_spin module~w90_utility w90_utility proc~dos_get_k->module~w90_utility module~w90_parameters w90_parameters proc~dos_get_k->module~w90_parameters module~w90_constants w90_constants proc~dos_get_k->module~w90_constants module~w90_io->module~w90_constants module~w90_spin->module~w90_constants module~w90_utility->module~w90_constants module~w90_parameters->module~w90_io module~w90_parameters->module~w90_constants

This subroutine calculates the contribution to the DOS of a single k point

\todo still to do: adapt spin_get_nk to read in input the UU rotation matrix

\note This routine simply provides the dos contribution of a given point. This must be externally summed after proper weighting. The weight factor (for a full BZ sampling with N^3 points) is 1/N^3 if we want the final DOS to be normalized to the total number of electrons. \note The only factor that is included INSIDE this routine is the spin degeneracy factor (=num_elec_per_state variable) \note The EnergyArray is assumed to be evenly spaced (and the energy spacing is taken from EnergyArray(2)-EnergyArray(1)) \note The routine is assuming that EnergyArray has at least two elements. \note The dos_k array must have dimensions size(EnergyArray) * ndim, where ndim=1 if spin_decomp==false, or ndim=3 if spin_decomp==true. This is not checked. \note If smearing/binwidth < min_smearing_binwidth_ratio, no smearing is applied (for that k point)

\param kpt the three coordinates of the k point vector whose DOS contribution we want to calculate (in relative coordinates) \param EnergyArray array with the energy grid on which to calculate the DOS (in eV) It must have at least two elements \param eig_k array with the eigenvalues at the given k point (in eV) \param dos_k array in which the contribution is stored. Three dimensions: dos_k(energyidx, spinidx), where: - energyidx is the index of the energies, corresponding to the one of the EnergyArray array; - spinidx=1 contains the total dos; if if spin_decomp==.true., then spinidx=2 and spinidx=3 contain the spin-up and spin-down contributions to the DOS \param smr_index index that tells the kind of smearing \param smr_fixed_en_width optional parameter with the fixed energy for smearing, in eV. Can be provided only if the levelspacing_k parameter is NOT given \param adpt_smr_fac optional parameter with the factor for the adaptive smearing. Can be provided only if the levelspacing_k parameter IS given \param levelspacing_k optional array with the level spacings, i.e. how much each level changes near a given point of the interpolation mesh, as given by the dos_get_levelspacing() routine If present: adaptive smearing If not present: fixed-energy-width smearing


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(3):: kpt
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:):: EnergyArray
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(:):: eig_k
real(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(:, :):: dos_k
integer, intent(in) :: smr_index
real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: smr_fixed_en_width
real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: adpt_smr_fac
real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional :: adpt_smr_max
real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional dimension(:):: levelspacing_k
complex(kind=dp), intent(in), optional dimension(:, :):: UU


proc~~dos_get_k~~CallsGraph proc~dos_get_k dos_get_k proc~utility_w0gauss utility_w0gauss proc~dos_get_k->proc~utility_w0gauss

Called by

proc~~dos_get_k~~CalledByGraph proc~dos_get_k dos_get_k proc~calctdfanddos calcTDFandDOS proc~calctdfanddos->proc~dos_get_k proc~dos_main dos_main proc~dos_main->proc~dos_get_k proc~boltzwann_main boltzwann_main proc~boltzwann_main->proc~calctdfanddos


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine dos_get_k(kpt, EnergyArray, eig_k, dos_k, smr_index, &
                       smr_fixed_en_width, adpt_smr_fac, adpt_smr_max, levelspacing_k, UU)
    use w90_io, only: io_error
    use w90_constants, only: dp, smearing_cutoff, min_smearing_binwidth_ratio
    use w90_utility, only: utility_w0gauss
    use w90_parameters, only: num_wann, spin_decomp, num_elec_per_state, &
      num_dos_project, dos_project
    use w90_spin, only: spin_get_nk

    ! Arguments
    real(kind=dp), dimension(3), intent(in)               :: kpt
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:), intent(in)               :: EnergyArray
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:), intent(in)               :: eig_k
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), intent(out)            :: dos_k
    integer, intent(in)                                   :: smr_index
    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional                    :: smr_fixed_en_width
    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional                    :: adpt_smr_fac
    real(kind=dp), intent(in), optional                    :: adpt_smr_max
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:), intent(in), optional      :: levelspacing_k
    complex(kind=dp), dimension(:, :), intent(in), optional :: UU

    ! Adaptive smearing
    real(kind=dp) :: eta_smr, arg

    ! Misc/Dummy
    integer          :: i, j, loop_f, min_f, max_f, num_s_steps
    real(kind=dp)    :: rdum, spn_nk(num_wann), alpha_sq, beta_sq
    real(kind=dp)    :: binwidth, r_num_elec_per_state
    logical          :: DoSmearing

    if (present(levelspacing_k)) then
      if (present(smr_fixed_en_width)) &
        call io_error('Cannot call doskpt with levelspacing_k and ' &
                      //'with smr_fixed_en_width parameters together')
      if (.not. (present(adpt_smr_fac))) &
        call io_error('Cannot call doskpt with levelspacing_k and ' &
                      //'without adpt_smr_fac parameter')
      if (.not. (present(adpt_smr_max))) &
        call io_error('Cannot call doskpt with levelspacing_k and ' &
                      //'without adpt_smr_max parameter')
      if (present(adpt_smr_fac)) &
        call io_error('Cannot call doskpt without levelspacing_k and ' &
                      //'with adpt_smr_fac parameter')
      if (present(adpt_smr_max)) &
        call io_error('Cannot call doskpt without levelspacing_k and ' &
                      //'with adpt_smr_max parameter')
      if (.not. (present(smr_fixed_en_width))) &
        call io_error('Cannot call doskpt without levelspacing_k and ' &
                      //'without smr_fixed_en_width parameter')
    end if

    r_num_elec_per_state = real(num_elec_per_state, kind=dp)

    ! Get spin projections for every band
    if (spin_decomp) call spin_get_nk(kpt, spn_nk)

    binwidth = EnergyArray(2) - EnergyArray(1)

    dos_k = 0.0_dp
    do i = 1, num_wann
      if (spin_decomp) then
        ! Contribution to spin-up DOS of Bloch spinor with component
        ! (alpha,beta) with respect to the chosen quantization axis
        alpha_sq = (1.0_dp + spn_nk(i))/2.0_dp ! |alpha|^2
        ! Contribution to spin-down DOS
        beta_sq = 1.0_dp - alpha_sq ! |beta|^2 = 1 - |alpha|^2
      end if

      if (.not. present(levelspacing_k)) then
        eta_smr = smr_fixed_en_width
        ! Eq.(35) YWVS07
        eta_smr = min(levelspacing_k(i)*adpt_smr_fac, adpt_smr_max)
!          eta_smr=max(eta_smr,min_smearing_binwidth_ratio) !! No: it would render the next if always false
      end if

      ! Faster optimization: I precalculate the indices
      if (eta_smr/binwidth < min_smearing_binwidth_ratio) then
        min_f = max(nint((eig_k(i) - EnergyArray(1))/ &
                         (EnergyArray(size(EnergyArray)) - EnergyArray(1)) &
                         *real(size(EnergyArray) - 1, kind=dp)) + 1, 1)
        max_f = min(nint((eig_k(i) - EnergyArray(1))/ &
                         (EnergyArray(size(EnergyArray)) - EnergyArray(1)) &
                         *real(size(EnergyArray) - 1, kind=dp)) + 1, size(EnergyArray))
        DoSmearing = .false.
        min_f = max(nint((eig_k(i) - smearing_cutoff*eta_smr - EnergyArray(1))/ &
                         (EnergyArray(size(EnergyArray)) - EnergyArray(1)) &
                         *real(size(EnergyArray) - 1, kind=dp)) + 1, 1)
        max_f = min(nint((eig_k(i) + smearing_cutoff*eta_smr - EnergyArray(1))/ &
                         (EnergyArray(size(EnergyArray)) - EnergyArray(1)) &
                         *real(size(EnergyArray) - 1, kind=dp)) + 1, size(EnergyArray))
        DoSmearing = .true.
      end if

      do loop_f = min_f, max_f
        ! kind of smearing read from input (internal smearing_index variable)
        if (DoSmearing) then
          arg = (EnergyArray(loop_f) - eig_k(i))/eta_smr
          rdum = utility_w0gauss(arg, smr_index)/eta_smr
          rdum = 1._dp/(EnergyArray(2) - EnergyArray(1))
        end if

        ! Contribution to total DOS
        if (num_dos_project == num_wann) then
          ! Total DOS (default): do not loop over j, to save time
          dos_k(loop_f, 1) = dos_k(loop_f, 1) + rdum*r_num_elec_per_state
          ! [GP] I don't put num_elec_per_state here below: if we are
          ! calculating the spin decomposition, we should be doing a
          ! calcultation with spin-orbit, and thus num_elec_per_state=1!
          if (spin_decomp) then
            ! Spin-up contribution
            dos_k(loop_f, 2) = dos_k(loop_f, 2) + rdum*alpha_sq
            ! Spin-down contribution
            dos_k(loop_f, 3) = dos_k(loop_f, 3) + rdum*beta_sq
          end if
        else ! 0<num_dos_project<num_wann
          ! Partial DOS, projected onto the WFs with indices
          ! n=dos_project(1:num_dos_project)
          do j = 1, num_dos_project
            dos_k(loop_f, 1) = dos_k(loop_f, 1) + rdum*r_num_elec_per_state &
                               *abs(UU(dos_project(j), i))**2
            if (spin_decomp) then
              ! Spin-up contribution
              dos_k(loop_f, 2) = dos_k(loop_f, 2) &
                                 + rdum*alpha_sq*abs(UU(dos_project(j), i))**2
              ! Spin-down contribution
              dos_k(loop_f, 3) = dos_k(loop_f, 3) &
                                 + rdum*beta_sq*abs(UU(dos_project(j), i))**2
            end if
      enddo !loop_f
    end do !loop over bands

  end subroutine dos_get_k